Ok ok ok, xla kidnap, my cousin bagi actually
He got 3 new kittens and da xlarat nk jage.. huhu
So I took one!
Please don't tell my mom, she'll be furious!
Anyway me n my bro bwak kitten to the vet.
Nak buang kutu and the possibility of kurap.
Then terpaksa kurung kitten dlm cage for a few days
so that nnt dia akan biase "buat bussiness" dlm cage dia jer
Well my bro said "Emok", the kitten's original name
Tapi, Emok xbest la
Do you have any idea???
Kasitau mama!!!
jangan la...
mahal kot bwk g jumpe vet
Upah...? Camne bw blk tu?
Upah 50 sen nak??
bawak balik gune beca.
penat kayuh!
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